Provision of Fund for Rice Banking Crops to women Vikoba

Economic development
Economic Development

Cause Summary

Microfinance Initiative was established in Africa as cooperation between the public authorities and private investors in developed countries. The mission was to contribute to the empowerment of poor people (exclusively rural poor) and to the creation of jobs, wealth and economic social sustainability. International organizations invested in MFIs were whether in more mature and large or in young and emerging MFIs in Africa. Some countries included are Nigeria, Ghana, Cameroon, Senegal, Mali, Tanzania, Uganda and Kenya (NIM, 2012). MFIs in Africa are dynamic and perform favorably compared with their counterparts in other global regions. Indeed, African MFIs in Africa pauses behind other global regions, a growing number of MFIs especially regulated and cooperative MFIs are profitable. Furthermore, many institutional models thrive in Africa, and this diversity provides good choices for clients (Lafourcade et al., 2005). S

Problem / Challenge

Tanzania since independence. In 1961 the government of Tanzania mainland (Tanganyika) pointed out major three development enemies of the country including ignorance, disease and poverty. Unfortunately, all these enemies were found relatively more prominent in the rural areas than in urban part. It therefore directed the efforts of the government to the rural areas. According to URT (1997) cooperatives are heavily dependent on loans to run their various activities. Internal savings, creation of trust funds, rising of capital, creation of banks have been non-existent since 1970s. Cooperatives sought to put in practice the self-help principle. Tanzania is endowed with enough fertile arable land, diverse climatic zones and plenty of water sources all across t Cost Structure and Financing Plan:

Solution / Impact

Though irrigation holds the key to stabilizing agricultural production to improve food security, increase farmers‟ productivity and incomes, and to produce higher valued crops, only 326,492 hectares out the 2.3 million hectares of high-potential land for irrigation are developed. Usage of agricultural inputs is quite low. Tanzania uses only 9kg per hectare of fertilizer and only 10% of farmers use improved seed. Low levels of technology, excessive reliance on rainfed agriculture, insufficient agricultural extension services, low labour productivity, deficient transportation and marketing infrastructure and facilities are the major constraints impeding a rapid growth of the sector (URT, 1997).

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