Angels Palace childrens home


Cause Summary

This cause is to establish a warm home for orphans and other vulnerable children in Zimbabwe. This home will provide care and love to orphans and other vulnerable children (0-18years). The aim is to do this by giving the majority of children that are homeless and starving due to loss of parents a place to call home. Lastly, angels palace childrens home will be helping orphans and other vulnerable children attain the right to shelter, good food and love they deserve.

Problem / Challenge

Malnutrition. Illiteracy. Street families. Drug and alcohol abuse. Teenage pregnancy Child abuse, exploitation, neglect and abandonment. Early death from preventable diseases such as malaria, cholera, tuberculosis, typhoid and measles.

Solution / Impact

Giving the homeless orphans and other vulnerable children of Zimbabwe with shelter, health care, good food and the love they deserve.

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